Who Do You Say I Am

1:39 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I often wish the "I'm rubber your glue..." thing actually worked. If I could remember the exact wording of Sheldon's from Big Bang Theory, I would quote that one as well. I often wish the things people say about me could just bounce right off instead of seaping through the pores, into the bloodstream to attack me right in the heart.

Reliving the lies people have said made me so angry all over again that I just had to silently pray to let it go. Suddenly it popped into my head Jesus saying "Who Do You Say I Am?. I got a bit teary and thought yeah, it doesn't matter what others say about me. He knows me. He knows what they say is not true and if anyone knows what it is like to have people say horrible things about who you are and your character, it would be HIM. Even today people continue to slander His name, who He is and was and what He did. I was able to take a deep breath and say to myself, "Get Over It", "Let it go". Thank you Lord for always putting the right thing in my mind at the right time to keep me from imploding or exploding.

So when someone assassinates you or your character take the time to do a mental checklist. Before I get really blown up, is it true? Do I owe this person an apology? If not, then ask for help to let it go. Let Jesus be your rubber to bounce those lies right off you. You don't have to be the one the lies can stick to and hurt anymore. All because of who you say He is, you can be who you are and "GET OVER IT".


Who Do You Say I Am

1:39 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I often wish the "I'm rubber your glue..." thing actually worked. If I could remember the exact wording of Sheldon's from Big Bang Theory, I would quote that one as well. I often wish the things people say about me could just bounce right off instead of seaping through the pores, into the bloodstream to attack me right in the heart.

Reliving the lies people have said made me so angry all over again that I just had to silently pray to let it go. Suddenly it popped into my head Jesus saying "Who Do You Say I Am?. I got a bit teary and thought yeah, it doesn't matter what others say about me. He knows me. He knows what they say is not true and if anyone knows what it is like to have people say horrible things about who you are and your character, it would be HIM. Even today people continue to slander His name, who He is and was and what He did. I was able to take a deep breath and say to myself, "Get Over It", "Let it go". Thank you Lord for always putting the right thing in my mind at the right time to keep me from imploding or exploding.

So when someone assassinates you or your character take the time to do a mental checklist. Before I get really blown up, is it true? Do I owe this person an apology? If not, then ask for help to let it go. Let Jesus be your rubber to bounce those lies right off you. You don't have to be the one the lies can stick to and hurt anymore. All because of who you say He is, you can be who you are and "GET OVER IT".


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